Rahway Valley No. 12

No. 12 at Kenilworth in June 1938. (McCoy Collection, courtesy Don Maxton)
No. 12  at Kenilworth on April 9, 1939. (Richard J. King collection)
No. 12 at Kenilworth in 1940. (Richard J. King collection)
No. 12 at Kenilworth on October 22, 1941. (Jeff Jargosch collection)

Type: 2-8-0 Consolidation

Builder: Pittsburgh Locomotive & Car Works (ALCo), Allegheny, PA

Built: August 1902

Construction No.: 25640

Previous Owner(s): Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad No. 96, Class C1B.

Acquired From: Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad

Acquired Date: September 1927

Purchase Price:  $3,213.79

Disposition: Retired December 1927 and stored in Kenilworth. Sold for scrap to a Newark, NJ junk dealer who cut it up at Kenilworth from November 1942 to February 1943.

Notes: A long wheelbase prevented it from entering tight RV industrial sidings. Its weight was too great for RV bridges and other infrastructure.


Total Locomotive & Tender Wheelbase: 55' 2"

Total Locomotive Weight: 174,000 lbs.

Driver Diameter: 54"

Driver Wheelbase: 15' 4"

Driver Tire: 1-1/2"

Truck Diameter: 29"

Locomotive Wheelbase: 23' 9-1/2"

Tractive Effort: 38,397 lbs.

Cylinders (dia. x stroke): 22" x 28"

Boiler Type: Straight Top

Boiler Pressure: 180 psi.

Boiler Diameter: 73-1/2"

Firebox Dimensions: 115" x 60"

Valve Gear: Stephenson

Valve Type: American Balance

Tender Wheel Diameter: 32"

Coal Capacity: 12 tons

Water Capacity: 6,000 gallons

No. of Tender Wheels: 8

Other Remarks: Franklin fire door, air sanders, bell ringer, flange oilers, automatic couplers