Rahway Valley No. 12
Type: 2-8-0 Consolidation
Builder: Pittsburgh Locomotive & Car Works (ALCo), Allegheny, PA
Built: August 1902
Construction No.: 25640
Previous Owner(s): Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad No. 96, Class C1B.
Acquired From: Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad
Acquired Date: September 1927
Purchase Price: $3,213.79
Disposition: Retired December 1927 and stored in Kenilworth. Sold for scrap to a Newark, NJ junk dealer who cut it up at Kenilworth from November 1942 to February 1943.
Notes: A long wheelbase prevented it from entering tight RV industrial sidings. Its weight was too great for RV bridges and other infrastructure.
Total Locomotive & Tender Wheelbase: 55' 2"
Total Locomotive Weight: 174,000 lbs.
Driver Diameter: 54"
Driver Wheelbase: 15' 4"
Driver Tire: 1-1/2"
Truck Diameter: 29"
Locomotive Wheelbase: 23' 9-1/2"
Tractive Effort: 38,397 lbs.
Cylinders (dia. x stroke): 22" x 28"
Boiler Type: Straight Top
Boiler Pressure: 180 psi.
Boiler Diameter: 73-1/2"
Firebox Dimensions: 115" x 60"
Valve Gear: Stephenson
Valve Type: American Balance
Tender Wheel Diameter: 32"
Coal Capacity: 12 tons
Water Capacity: 6,000 gallons
No. of Tender Wheels: 8
Other Remarks: Franklin fire door, air sanders, bell ringer, flange oilers, automatic couplers