Interlocking Tower (XC/Excee)

XC tower controlled Cranford Junction interlocking on the mainline, between the west end of the Cranford coach yard and the Cranford depot, as well as access to and from the Cranford coach yard and the Cranford Junction (SIRT) yards. The original tower was constructed in about 1890; it was a wood frame structure that contained twenty-six levers. This was increased to thirty-two levers in 1891. A new forty-one lever mechanism was installed in September 1907. A new 10’ x 22’ white brick tower was built in 1902. Prior to the Aldene Plan, RV trains would have to temporarily foul Track 6 to enter and exit the Cranford coach yard. The RV crews would use the telephone in the Aldene depot to call the XC tower operator to obtain permission to come out onto Track 6. On December 5, 1949, the CNJ downgraded a section of Track 6 from mainline track to an industrial lead, to serve lineside industries, which eliminated the need for the RV to call for permission. The tower was renamed “EXCEE” in 1973. The interlocking was closed in July 1990. The tower was subsequently demolished.